A Thing Mislaid


Production Photos by Robert Day

“A heart warming story of hope which inspires reflection on current events but ultimately makes you smile… stunning… endearing”


“Thought provoking and haunting…mesmerising… Maison Foo’s timely theatre uses clowning and puppetry to explore the plight of refugees.”


“A Thing Mislaid is a delightful mix of dreamlike and reality unfolding on stage with a real thought provoking emotional heart.”

East Midlands Theatre ****

Somewhere, on a nowhere road, just past adrift and before you reach astray, you’ll find two lost souls. Running. Running with a thing. A thing mislaid. A thing without a flock, looking for a place to belong…

Maison Foo blend their trademark style of visual storytelling, clowning and humour, with new experiments in miniature puppetry and live camera.

Travelling through cinematic worlds and surreal realities, A THING MISLAID explores themes of migration and journey, asking the question ‘If home is no longer home, then where do we belong’?

A heartfelt tale full of footsteps, hope and an unlikely friendship between two lonely travellers and a mysterious bird.

All shows were captioned in English and Arabic using Talking Birds’ Difference Engine.


Commissioned by China Plate, Warwick Arts Centre, mac Birmingham and In Good Company.

Project and Tour supported by Derby Theatre, Evan Cornish Foundation, European Regional Development Fund and using public funding by the national lottery through Arts Council England.


R&D developed in collaboration with:

Performer/ Deviser: Elenor Casotto

Composer: Corey Mwamba

Sound Designer: Adam McCready

Lighting mentor: Andy Purves

Producer: Claire Summerfield at Tandem Works


Past Tour Dates (2018)

 SEP  21st & 22nd | Deda, Derby

OCT 10th | MAC Birmingham

OCT 11th | Lincoln Drill Hall

OCT 17th | Arena Theatre Wolverhampton

OCT 18th | The Brewhouse, Burton upon Trent

OCT  20th | Lakeside Arts, Nottingham

OCT 21st | Attenborough Arts Centre, Leicester


Creative Team

A Thing Mislaid has been created and devised by:

Co Directors/Writers: Bethany Sheldon and Kathryn Lowe

Performers: Teele Uustani & Raquel Pereira

Designer / Visual Collaborator: Sam Wilde

Composer: Matt Marks

Lighting Designer: Alexandra Stafford

Digital Media Artist: Barret Hodgson

Dramaturg: Nick Walker

Production Technical Manager: William Leighton

with the support of:

Associate Producer: Phoebe Wall-Palmer

Strategic Producer: Emily Coleman

Press/PR: Jo McLeish

and our refugee steering group